Basic Usage =========== Loading sample data ------------------- EEMeter comes packages with some simulated sample data. .. note:: This data is not to be used for methods testing! It is designed to have obvious (but completely unrealistic) behavior to showcase building temperature response. See a list of available sample data files, use :any:`eemeter.samples`:: >>> eemeter.samples() ['il-electricity-cdd-hdd-hourly', 'il-electricity-cdd-hdd-daily', 'il-electricity-cdd-hdd-billing_monthly', 'il-electricity-cdd-hdd-billing_bimonthly', 'il-electricity-cdd-only-hourly', 'il-electricity-cdd-only-daily', 'il-electricity-cdd-only-billing_monthly', 'il-electricity-cdd-only-billing_bimonthly', 'il-gas-hdd-only-hourly', 'il-gas-hdd-only-daily', 'il-gas-hdd-only-billing_monthly', 'il-gas-hdd-only-billing_bimonthly', 'il-gas-intercept-only-hourly', 'il-gas-intercept-only-daily', 'il-gas-intercept-only-billing_monthly', 'il-gas-intercept-only-billing_bimonthly'] Load meter data, temperature data, and metadata, use :any:`eemeter.load_sample`:: >>> meter_data, temperature_data, metadata = \ ... eemeter.load_sample('il-electricity-cdd-hdd-daily') >>> meter_data.head() value start 2015-11-22 00:00:00+00:00 32.34 2015-11-23 00:00:00+00:00 23.80 2015-11-24 00:00:00+00:00 26.26 2015-11-25 00:00:00+00:00 21.32 2015-11-26 00:00:00+00:00 6.70 >>> temperature_data.head() dt 2015-11-22 06:00:00+00:00 21.01 2015-11-22 07:00:00+00:00 20.35 2015-11-22 08:00:00+00:00 19.38 2015-11-22 09:00:00+00:00 19.02 2015-11-22 10:00:00+00:00 17.82 Name: tempF, dtype: float64 The metadata :any:`dict` contains simulated project ground truth, such as roughly expected disaggregated annual usage, savings, and project dates. Loading data from CSV --------------------- Default meter data CSV format:: start,value 2015-11-22T00:00:00+00:00,32.34 2015-11-23T00:00:00+00:00,23.80 2015-11-24T00:00:00+00:00,26.26 2015-11-25T00:00:00+00:00,21.32 2015-11-26T00:00:00+00:00,6.70 ... To load meter data from a CSV, use :any:`eemeter.meter_data_from_csv`:: >>> meter_data = eemeter.meter_data_from_csv(f) # file handle The :any:`eemeter.meter_data_from_csv` has lots of configurable options for data that is formatted differently! Check out the API docs for more info. Default temperature data CSV format:: dt,tempF 2015-11-22T00:00:00+06:00,21.01 2015-11-22T01:00:00+06:00,20.35 2015-11-22T02:00:00+06:00,19.38 2015-11-22T03:00:00+06:00,19.02 2015-11-22T04:00:00+06:00,17.82 ... To load temperature data from a CSV, use :any:`eemeter.temperature_data_from_csv`. (See also :any:`EEweather `):: >>> temperature_data = eemeter.temperature_data_from_csv(f) # file handle The :any:`eemeter.temperature_data_from_csv` also has lots of configurable options for data that is formatted differently! Check out the API docs for more info. These methods also work with gzipped files (e.g., the sample data):: >>> meter_data = eemeter.meter_data_from_csv(f, gzipped=True) If frequency is known (``'hourly'``, ``'daily'``), this will load that data with an index of the appropriate frequency. This helps the data formatting methods do the right thing. :: >>> daily_meter_data = eemeter.meter_data_from_csv(f, freq='daily') Creating design matrix datasets ------------------------------- To create a design matrix, use one of the following functions: - :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_hourly_preliminary_design_matrix` - :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_hourly_segmented_design_matrices` - :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_daily_design_matrix` - :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_billing_design_matrix` For example:: >>> meter_data, temperature_data, metadata = \ ... eemeter.load_sample('il-electricity-cdd-hdd-daily') >>> data = eemeter.create_caltrack_daily_design_matrix(meter_data, temperature_data) Running Daily and Billing CalTRACK methods ------------------------------------------ .. note:: For complete compliance with CalTRACK methods, please ensure that input data meets requirements in section 2.1 of the CalTRACK methods specification and uses settings defined in :doc:`caltrack_compliance`. To run the CalTRACK daily or billing methods, you need a :any:`pandas.DataFrame` with the following columns: - ``meter_value``: Daily average metered usage values for each point. - ``cdd_``: Average period daily cooling degree days for a particular cooling balance point. - ``hdd_``: Average period daily heating degree days for a particular heating balance point. For each balance point you want to include in the grid search, you must provide a separate ``cdd_<>`` or ``hdd_<>`` column. Armed with a design matrix of the form created above, you can use :any:`eemeter.fit_caltrack_usage_per_day_model` to fit a model. You may also wish to filter your data to a baseline period or a reporting period. To do so, use :any:`eemeter.get_baseline_data` or :any:`eemeter.get_reporting_data`. For example:: >>> import datetime >>> import pytz >>> datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 26, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) >>> baseline_data, warnings = eemeter.get_baseline_data( ... data, end=baseline_end_date, max_days=365) >>> print(baseline_data.head()) meter_value cdd_70 hdd_60 hdd_61 \ 2015-12-27 00:00:00+00:00 25.55 0.0 18.093333 19.093333 2015-12-28 00:00:00+00:00 26.46 0.0 22.478333 23.478333 2015-12-29 00:00:00+00:00 30.38 0.0 25.003333 26.003333 2015-12-30 00:00:00+00:00 49.82 0.0 29.161667 30.161667 2015-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 34.47 0.0 29.572917 30.572917 n_days_dropped n_days_kept 2015-12-27 00:00:00+00:00 0.0 1.0 2015-12-28 00:00:00+00:00 0.0 1.0 2015-12-29 00:00:00+00:00 0.0 1.0 2015-12-30 00:00:00+00:00 0.0 1.0 2015-12-31 00:00:00+00:00 0.0 1.0 CalTRACK Daily Methods ---------------------- Running caltrack daily methods is easy once you have the data in the right format. This method returns a :any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayModelResults` object:: >>> model_results = eemeter.fit_caltrack_usage_per_day_model(baseline_data) This object can be dumped into a JSON string:: >>> print(json.dumps(model_results.json(), indent=2)) It can be inspected for more detailed information:: >>> model_results.totals_metrics.r_squared_adj 0.7294645737524558 Or plotted (use with :any:`eemeter.plot_energy_signature` for an overlay on the fitted data):: >>> model_results.plot() CalTRACK Billing Methods ------------------------ Running caltrack billing methods:: >>> model_results = eemeter.fit_caltrack_usage_per_day_model( ... baseline_data, use_billing_presets=True) It is essential that the data used in the CalTRACK billing methods is *average daily* period usage (UPDm) and degree day values. Data with this property is created by default by the :any:`eemeter.create_caltrack_billing_design_matrix` method. Using the CLI ------------- The CLI can be used to run the caltrack methods directly against CSV data. To allow users without immediate access to data to get started quickly with the eemeter package, the CLI also allow using sample data that comes with eemeter. Use CalTRACK methods on sample data:: $ eemeter caltrack --sample=il-electricity-cdd-hdd-daily Loading sample: il-electricity-cdd-hdd-daily { "status": "SUCCESS", "method_name": "caltrack_daily_method", "model": { "model_type": "cdd_hdd", "formula": "meter_value ~ cdd_65 + hdd_55", "status": "QUALIFIED", "model_params": { "intercept": 10.733478866990144, "beta_cdd": 2.039525988684711, "beta_hdd": 1.0665644257451434, "cooling_balance_point": 65, "heating_balance_point": 55 }, "r_squared_adj": 0.7810065909435654, "warnings": [] }, "r_squared_adj": 0.7810065909435654, "warnings": [], "metadata": {}, "settings": { "fit_cdd": true, "minimum_non_zero_cdd": 10, "minimum_non_zero_hdd": 10, "minimum_total_cdd": 20, "minimum_total_hdd": 20, "beta_cdd_maximum_p_value": 0.1, "beta_hdd_maximum_p_value": 0.1 } } Save output:: $ eemeter caltrack --sample=il-electricity-cdd-only-billing_monthly \ --output-file=/path/to/output.json Loading sample: il-electricity-cdd-only-billing_monthly Output written: /path/to/output.json Load custom data (see sample files for example format):: $ eemeter caltrack --meter-file=/path/to/meter/data.csv \ --temperature-file=/path/to/temperature/data.csv Do not fit CDD models (intended for gas data):: $ eemeter caltrack --sample=il-gas-hdd-only-billing_monthly --no-fit-cdd To include all candidate models in output:: $ eemeter caltrack --sample=il-electricity-cdd-hdd-daily --show-candidates Understanding eemeter warnings ------------------------------ The eemeter package tries to give warnings whenever a result is less than perfect. Warnings appear throughout the eemeter and are given in the structure :any:`eemeter.EEMeterWarning`. Each warning has the following structure: 1. A 'dotted' hierarchical name (:any:`eemeter.EEMeterWarning.qualified_name`) summarizing its origin and nature. For example: ``'eemeter.caltrack_method.no_candidate_models'`` 2. A full description of the error in prose (:any:`eemeter.EEMeterWarning.description`). 3. A set of relevant data about the error, such as limits that were passed ( :any:``). Visualization ------------- Plotting results and models. Plot an energy signature (:any:`eemeter.plot_energy_signature`):: >>> eemeter.plot_energy_signature(meter_data, temperature_data) .. image:: _static/plot_energy_signature.png Plot a time series of meter data and temperature data (:any:`eemeter.plot_time_series`):: >>> eemeter.plot_time_series(meter_data, temperature_data) .. image:: _static/plot_time_series.png Plot the selected model and all candidate models (:any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayModelResults.plot`) on top of an energy signature:: >>> ax = eemeter.plot_energy_signature(meter_data, temperature_data) >>> model_results.plot(ax=ax, with_candidates=True) .. image:: _static/plot_model_results.png Plot a single candidate model (:any:`eemeter.CalTRACKUsagePerDayCandidateModel.plot`):: >>> model_results.model.plot() .. image:: _static/plot_candidate.png The plot functions are flexible and can take quite a few parameters, including custom titles, labels, Matplotlib Axes, and color options. Obtaining weather data ---------------------- Weather data can be obtained using the :any:`EEweather ` package. Definitely check out the full docs, but here's a taste of what that's like. Installation:: $ pip install eeweather Usage:: >>> import eeweather >>> result = eeweather.match_lat_long(35, -95) >>> result ISDStationMapping('722178') >>> result.distance_meters 34672 >>> station = result.isd_station >>> station ISDStation('722178') >>> import datetime >>> import pytz >>> start_date = datetime.datetime(2016, 6, 1, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) >>> end_date = datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 15, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) >>> tempC = station.load_isd_hourly_temp_data(start_date, end_date) >>> tempC.head() 2016-06-01 00:00:00+00:00 28.291500 2016-06-01 01:00:00+00:00 27.438500 2016-06-01 02:00:00+00:00 27.197083 2016-06-01 03:00:00+00:00 26.898750 2016-06-01 04:00:00+00:00 26.701810 Freq: H, dtype: float64 >>> tempF = tempC * 1.8 + 32 >>> tempF.head() 2016-06-01 00:00:00+00:00 82.924700 2016-06-01 01:00:00+00:00 81.389300 2016-06-01 02:00:00+00:00 80.954750 2016-06-01 03:00:00+00:00 80.417750 2016-06-01 04:00:00+00:00 80.063259 .. _anaconda: Using with Anaconda ------------------- Some users find that the easiest way to get a working Python distributions is to use Anaconda (hello Windows users!). Anaconda is a free distribution of Python that comes with all of the dependencies of eemeter and a host of other useful scientific packages. If that sounds appealing to you, please follow the `installation instructions `_ that Anaconda provides, then come back here armed with a shiny new python distribution and install eemeter at an anaconda shell with `$ pip install eemeter`.